This introduction serves as an invitation to join in an on-going journey of discovery. You will not need to buy tickets nor make travel plans. All that's required is your Bible and a quiet place to read and meditate. Together we'll explore the Book of Psalms, Israel’s hymnal and longest collection of poetry.  

Psalm 2:7-12

Kiss the Son!

(7) I will declare the decree of Yahweh. He said to me, “You are my Son. This day I have begotten you. (8) Ask me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your possession. (9) You will break them with an iron rod. You will shatter them like pieces of pottery.” (10) Therefore, you who are kings be prudent. Be admonished, you who govern the earth. (11) Serve Yahweh with reverent fear and rejoice with trembling. (12) Kiss the Son lest he be angry and you perish in the way, for his anger can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who seek refuge in him.

In the previous study, we observed that Psalm 2 was structured like a drama containing four scenes, each one three verses in length. Today’s passage presents us with the last two. The third scene (vss. 7-9) focused on the interaction between the Father (Yahweh) and the Son (Messiah). In the final scene (vss. 10-12) the psalmist offered solemn advice to the nations regarding their attitude toward the Son.

In this segment two words were repeated for emphasis: “Yahweh” (vss. 7 & 11) and “the Son” (vss. 7 & 12). In the context of the entire psalm, we find another significant repetition. Three times the word for “king” was used. In verses 2 & 10, it was earthly rulers who are addressed. However, in verse 6, the word referred to God’s chosen ruler, the Messiah.

SCENE III [Setting still in heaven with the focus on Yahweh’s declaration to the Son] Yahweh affirms his special relationship to the Son and establishes him as the one who will inherit and judge all nations on earth (vss. 7-9).
SCENE IV [Setting back on earth with the focus on the nations and their rulers] The psalmist counsels the rulers of the nations to submit to Messiah’s rule or suffer the consequences of Yahweh’s wrath (vss. 10-12).               
How we relate to God’s beloved Son, the Messiah, will determine our destiny, either to experience God’s wrath or to enjoy his blessing.

Few passages in Scripture are as explicit as this one in setting forth the love relationship that exists between the Father and the Son. We should remember that this account was written centuries before the Incarnation took place. While God dwells beyond time in the eternal realms, the phrase, “this day” (vs. 7), serves to remind us that the responsibility to submit to the Son begins immediately and must not be delayed. Just as we honor and worship the Father, so are we to honor and worship the Son.

“Begotten” in this relationship does not refer to generation or origin, for the Son has no beginning and no ending. Instead, it refers to the uniquely exalted position of preeminence the Father has given to his “only begotten Son” (Jn. 3:16). The exhortation, really a warning, “Kiss the Son” (vs. 12), may confuse us until we consider the historic context in which it was written. In eastern monarchies, a kiss represented doing homage, a pledge of loyalty given to the ruler with an attitude of abject submission rather than showing affection for a friend or lover. In essence, the psalmist is calling for worship and service expressed by reverential fear and obedience (vs. 11). This should be our response to the Son who is beloved and precious above all else in the Father’s sight.

Psalm 3

Psalm 2:1-6